PinnedSanism, Sanize, Sanist: Words to Understand Mental Health PrejudiceThroughout the world, individuals with mental health conditions have a lower social value than those considered normal. They tend to face a…Sep 3, 2024Sep 3, 2024
PinnedInternet Shutdowns in Bangladesh: Trends and Human Rights implicationsThis article contains the executive summary of my recently published human rights report titled: “Internet Shutdowns in Bangladesh”. You…Aug 10, 2024Aug 10, 2024
Pinned5 Barriers facing Human Rights Defenders starting outThe Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights of the United Nations has an article on Human Rights Defenders. In its article on Human…Sep 2, 2023Sep 2, 2023
The Human Rights Situation of Individuals with Mental Health Conditions in BangladeshMy StorySep 7, 2024Sep 7, 2024
Offering a religion-based therapeutic program to psychiatric inpatients without a secular…Patients admitted to a mental health facility, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, are a vulnerable group of people that needs special…Dec 8, 2023Dec 8, 2023
Coercing inpatients to pray in a mental health facility is a human rights violationI remember hearing of an incident here in Bangladesh some time back. The incident was regarding a mental health facility where patients…Dec 2, 2023Dec 2, 2023
Human rights activists should be given the space to advocate the way they are comfortable withThe United Nation’s Declaration on human rights defenders defines human rights defenders as individuals or groups who act to promote…Dec 2, 2023Dec 2, 2023